Energy Certificate
If you want your property to be rented or sold you must have an energy certificate. It also can save you a lot of money if you want to renovate it.
Energy certificate information
Energy certificate or energy efficience certificate
Energy certificate is mandatory if you want to sell or to rent your property. It also can save you a lot of money if you want to renovate it.
You must have an energy certificate if you are an owner of
(a) an under construction property
(b) a property that is on sale
(γ) a property that you want to be rented
Energy certificate must be shown to the buyer or the renter of the property before they buy it or rent it and they also keep the energy certificate.
You must have an energy certificate if you are an owner of
(a) an under construction property
(b) a property that is on sale
(γ) a property that you want to be rented
Energy certificate must be shown to the buyer or the renter of the property before they buy it or rent it and they also keep the energy certificate.
What is an energy certificate
The energy certificate will value and scale your property between A and H. It depends on the energy efficient of it.
How can i acquired an energy certificate?
An energy certificate can only be authorized by professional people of government such as people that work at the ministry of Energy, ministry of Industry or ministry of Tourism.
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